Mason Ludwig

Mason Ludwig
Mason Ludwig, Driver #31

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Everything went fairly smooth this weekend. Rick raced at the Berville Bump-N-Run. He was looking strong and racing hard when he managed to skin his drivers side door. He tore the entire outer part of the door off and therefore, was blackflagged. It's probably for the best, that track was tiny but tough and the cars were being destroyed. At least he still has a car for Imlay City. We were releaved at the beginning of the race when one of the other drivers and his family backed us up on the "dirty racer" incident. They completely agree with us that what those couple of drivers are doing is wrong and unsafe. It was nice to hear they were on our side. We certainly aren't looking to make enemies. After the race we stopped and had dinner. There, Rick ran into Ian Kemfp. Ian runs the Imlay City Fair. He mentioned to Rick that a letter came through addressing the safety issues and that he is scheduled to give it to the man that is going to be in charge of the Imlay City race this year. Rick said, "Yeah, that was from my wife." I'm glad I wrote the letter. It seems everyone feels the same as we do and therefore, the Lions members (aka officials) need to be made aware of our concerns.

Now onto Mason's results. He did good. He looked stong on the track and his driving skills are definately taking shape. The only problem now is getting him the equipment to be competitive. His motor isn't up to speed with the other kids. They are all running what is called an Animal motor and Mason has an old Flathead motor. The Animal motors are naturally faster and Flatheads are getting phased out. He has told me that he will be asking Santa for an Animal motor ($1500 approx.) for Christmas. I hope Santa reads this post and starts saving!

We did have a scare, however. Mason was hit really, really hard from behind. All the kids were stopped for a caution and the officials were in the process of re-lining them up when another kid came around full speed and slammed into the back of Mason's kart. Mason said he seen the other kid coming and said to himself "this is gonna hurt". The other boy hit him so hard that the other kids eye goggles flew off of his helmet and went past Mason's kart. Mason's visor flew open. Deloris (grandma), who is also the track EMT, and I ran out there to check on him. He was teared up but elected to finish the race. He is a tough kid. After the race, everyone was so great and so concerned. It is really nice to have a family sport to participate in where everyone is supportive. Mason complained of a little soreness this afternoon but has been fine the rest of the day. As a matter of fact, right how he is referring to himself as "Pirate Spanky". (We went to a pirate bday party today) :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of Mason and his determination to continue on with the race. Wish I could have been there. Great going to you Mason. Love Grandma
